on the 9th April 2011 the PORTANY Circle sat for physicalmediumship ,
MYsterioUS Circle medium also sat and filmed for them as a one off
special for sandy,as she is the mediumfor this last week in chair on
this occasion, chris will be sitting as medium coming saturday. Sylvia
did a stupid thing, she was told byher guides not to film the circle
this night as things was not right, but she went ahead anyway and yes
things did not work out anyway as spirit took over the camera altered
the visibility settings and light. any how look at the spirit that
appeared sat next to norman below, in the empty seats. sandyto had
spirit spirit people with her to in cabinet, not all pictures could be
posted as the images are too dark to see,peter also has spirit sat next
to him, the image that would have been posted up for him was too not
distorted, things looked out of range in parts of picture and did not
want skeptics being fussy over the picture however if peter would like
it shown will post it up, I feel for sandy norman and peter the spirit
people know them. however not all pictures can be shown as the quality
of the pictures was not great due to spirit altering the camera setting
and also the redlight was not correct either. It was a real good
sitting in the circle, the curtains kept moving during the sitting,
there was no draft, a blue orb was seen by sitters at different times in
room, norman and peter felt things happening to themselves peter felt
he had something like nettle stings on his skin, norman had many spirit
passsing by him, peter was nearly entranced, could be by the spirit next
to him that may have been over him at a point. Chriss experienced
things to, all sitters seen, felt, or heard voices, touched to by
spirit person sat next to norman in own chair, it has now been confirmed it is norman's father, this is evidential |
sat next to norman here a spirit person in own chair |
transparent male appears in own seat sat next to norman |
sat in own
clothes next to norman on a seperate seat next to norman and just before
the sitting closes a spirit person is observing the room, i feel they
to are sitting for spirit hahaha this person is connected to norman |
sandy smiles
in cabinet and hugging in to her head is another spirit person head
pitty the lighting levels was dark, maybe this spirit person knows
sandy, lovely picture
reason this picture looks all over the place is because the cam ended
up off the stand at the wrong time, and sylvia could see the spirit male
person with peter during the filming, the spirit person is transparent
partly over peter, spirit persons head appears with face features
between the picture on wall and peters face.
Posted up by sylvia Howarth MYsterioUS Circle |
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