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[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/10/coronation-of-physical-medium.html[/postlink]                                    
                                         CORONATION OF A PHYSICAL MEDIUM

There’s a new kid on the block in the world of physical mediumship, and his name is Chris Howarth. Remember that name, for those who follow and are keenly interested in the highest and most evidential form of afterlife communication, will surely be hearing his name mentioned with increasing frequency in the years to come.

I first had the pleasure of meeting Chris, a dynamic powerhouse of stored psychic energy, at the enchanting and most rapturous setting in the south of France known as Montcabirol. No place glows warmer. The seductive charm of this serene locale has a way of working itself into the soul and psyche of those who visit. Beauty, peace and tranquility are the hallmarks of Montcabirol, thus making it a most conducive venue for the creation of an atmosphere and vibration that is most compatible for achieving the rarest, highest and most evidential form of afterlife communication known today: physical mediumship.

I met Chris for the first time on September 16, 2011 upon his arrival from England. I found him to be most congenial, possessing an avid, almost overwhelming zeal and exuberance for anything pertaining to spirit communication, unparalleled in the physical mediumship community. I found his vast knowledge of mediumship to be quite impressive to say the least, and his overwhelming desire to share this knowledge with anyone who will listen clearly demonstrated to me that this person has what it takes to achieve success in the lengthy and arduous process of developing this rarest and most important of all gifts. He is focused, extremely dedicated, and his intentions are pure, benevolent, and altruistic – all the makings of what is required to be a true servant of humanity and the invisible, etheric world also known as the ‘afterlife’.

On September 19th, after three brilliant and astounding demonstrations of materialization and direct voice mediumship over a three day period by Tom Morris and Warren Caylor, Kevin, the leader of the Yellow Cloud Circle decided that he would try an experiment and put Chris in the traditional mediumship cabinet in an attempt to see if Chris’s mediumship development could be enhanced or facilitated. Approximately fourteen people were present to witness what happened next.

Almost immediately after extinguishing the lights, loud footsteps could be heard negotiating the hard wood floor at several areas around the room. My neighbor and I could hear footsteps walking or dancing within the immediate vicinity of our chairs, both in front and in back of us. It was so obvious because it was quite loud. This could be considered objective evidence because everyone in the room heard the footsteps at different positions around the room. These footsteps continued and persisted throughout most of the sitting.

After several songs were played, the first of five voices was heard emerging from the cabinet. The first communicator identified himself as White Feather. It is well known that John Sloan, the main guide and control for the Yellow Cloud Circle is a close friend of White Feather. After identifying himself, he greeted us and expressed how happy he was to be able to communicate with us through his fledgling new medium.  Approximately twenty minutes later, another voice emerged and identified himself as Elija. Kevin asked him what century he lived on the earth plane and he responded that he had crossed over in the 1870’s. A few minutes later, the inimitable voice of Quentin Crisp came through. He greeted us and spoke briefly with Tom and Kevin. Shortly after that, a personality came through and stated that his name was Tom Pepper and that he was from Yorkshire.
I was later told that he did indeed speak with what is known as a classical ‘Yorkshirian’ accent. Finally, another voice emerged and identified himself as Smythe. He told us that he was seven years old tonight and later stated: “I like to be seven years old”. As the sitting was about to come to a close, White Feather came through again stated that he was “pleased to be able to produce this surprise for our medium”. Surprisingly, as the sitting was about to close, the voice of John Sloan could be heard at the other side of the room, bidding us a good night. Apparently, Tom was put into trance for a very brief moment, allowing John to come through with his closing statement.

Prior to this sitting, I was unaware that Chris had been sitting some fifteen years in development of his gift. I had no knowledge of this and thus went into this sitting with no expectations whatsoever. What a pleasant surprise and delight it was to be present to witness his breakthrough and initiation into this very exclusive group of extremely gifted and dedicated individuals known as ‘physical mediums’. This was indeed a coronation by White Feather and the spirit world and all who were present were thrilled for Chris as he, through his sincerity, hard work, and dedication, was most deserving of this highest of all honors. I think I speak for everyone who knows Chris, that we all wish him great success in his journey and in his future of service to humanity, and we support him completely in this great and noble endeavor.

MR X              



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Read The Full report from Christine Di nucci of the portany Circle sitting at the Bristol lodge on 10th November 2011, there is also Audio that you can listen to. http://portnay.blogspot.com/

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