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[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/06/25th-june-2011-sitting-for.html[/postlink]
It is the 25th June 2011 the sitters for this evening are Norman & 
Sylvia as Sandy & peter could not make the sitting this evening, it 
has been a very positive sitting, The medium Chris who is in the cabinet
 not strapped in his chair, was very Quiet for some time, Whilst Sylvia 
& Norman sat in the pitch black, Silhouettes of spirit began to 
appear standing around the middle of floor towards the round table which
 had trumpets on and near Norman and Sylvia, the spirit was very tall, 
at a stage this was going on Norman felt he was going in to trance yet 
held back from allowing the spirit to take over him, he witnessed whilst
 Sylvia was channeled through in the pitch black doing a spirit world 
art drawing he said the pencil seem to appear like illuminations light 
even though nothing could cause the pencil to appear luminous, he seen 
orange lights around near cabinet and at times near Sylvia, many 
communicators came through Chris whilst the room still in darkness, 
Louie came through for a short time, hector, Doris? White feather he 
spoke and opened and closed the circle, tom & smithy also spoke, 
some communicators was new, when Neros came through for the 
transfiguration in red light, he brought through faces, Norman struggled
 to see, Sylvia did see changes yet had trouble holding the link. it has
 been a real good evening.

25th June 2011 sitting for physicalmediumship Medium Chris Howarth

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/06/19th-june-2011-big-special-sitting.html[/postlink]


Usualy the portany circle sit on Saturday, however as a one off occasion the portany circle sat on Sunday Morning for Guest Sitters Sandy & Jack and warren, Before and even after the sitting the room became active with spirit orbs, the live camera was on most the daytime for the guests to see, Sylvia usually sits Sunday in the mysterious circle, the spirit prepare the room when she sits. It was a good sitting for portany circle, Trance communication took place and transfiguration, there are some images below for you to look at, the filming was done using a night vision infra red camera, the sound did not turn out very well on the filming so there is no sound on the video clip, it was also a great evening on Saturday witnessing the wonderful medium ship of warren lots happened and seen.

Video Clip

Seance room physicalmediumship:


19th June 2011 Big Special Sitting Physicalmediumship

Portany Circle Live

Portany Circle

Portany Circle Live Cam

Portany Circle at Bristol Lodge

Read The Full report from Christine Di nucci of the portany Circle sitting at the Bristol lodge on 10th November 2011, there is also Audio that you can listen to. http://portnay.blogspot.com/

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