it has been a while since the portany circle has updated there site, yet new developments to share on the site, since the circle been sitting just before Christmas the Trumpet is now moving about in the seance room whilst sittings are taking place and other phenomena is also taking place, portany circle will have a busy 2013 travelling around the UK and abroad sharing the wonderful work from spirit. Keep check on the site for the news on the portany circles travels.
(c)copyright image to probe international |
Probe International are the UK leaders in Paranormal Conferences. Many speakers from all over the world attend Probe International Conferences. portany circle will be at the conference on 6th October 2012 you will find Chris howarth on the speakers list, the speakers list and booking form for the probe international Conference links are all here below, if you would like to attend, contact probe directly, the booking form is on there site and links are here for you also, looking forward to seeing you there in October.
Booking Form Speakers List Main Site for Probe
It is the evening of Tuesday 8th May 2012, Chris sits for transfiguration in red light, Sylvia sits with him, the sitting is recording, a live cam and audio is on,the prayer is said before the sitting then the music is put on and left playing through the sitting, during the sitting the curtain behind Chris comes down just past the half way mark whilst he is in deep trance, it stays up for a time then the whole curtain completely drops to the floor, the curtain is left not disturbed. during the time the sitting is going on Sylvia heard sounds in the room and seen little tiny lights like blue white forming around the dome, they stayed around the dome a long time then moved position then went, some of the lights appeared in Chris shadow, and during looking at Chris to see the transfiguration happening on his face, it was happening in his shadow, and the structure changes became clear and fast happening, communication came in from neuros and tom only,will need to check the audio for anything evp, Sylvia witnessed a young boy his head appeared lower to ground just below Chris sleeve on his top, and seen partial de materialization of Chris hands before sitting ended, take a look below at the images from the saved sitting recording.Not all images are up.
curtain is up at this point |
curtain starts to come down and stops at this point |
curtain stays down during sitting, in this image a face appears of a woman, longer hair in the shadow, she looks on |
face visibly coming in behind Chris, a mouth looks open eyes looking towards curtain |
a mouth is forming in the shadow behind Chris and facial features |
large nose and a eye open in the face forming in shadow behind Chris head, another male |
face forming behind chris in the shadow, the head shape changing,male face |
the face forming behind Chris head of a male |
nostrils clearly seen just above Chris shoulder the face forming in Chris shadow very clear, the nostrils are solid in |
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8th march 2012 chris stands and sits with his higher ether selves appearing from 3 dimensions, this is not camera trick or lighting trick, the shadow appearances shown in different heights, the tallest slightly taller than Chris himself, the other 2 shorter yet shorter slightly to each other, and color are all different to each other, the short one nearest to Chris himself is darkest, the middle short one is lighter, yet the tallest gives off a brownish tinge, the taller one looks out for Chris, you will see how strong the energy field is around him in a transparent glow, the video filming was taken by Sylvia using her mobile phone, because she spotted what was happening to Chris she wanted him to see for himself how he is sensitive to the other worlds today and she has said to him to sit later today as more will appear, look at the saved recording above what is near Chris in connection to his higher beings of his dimensional state. he is highly sensitive at this time, many spirit can appear from him if he sits today.

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20 th March 2012 portany circle sitting spirit face appear next to medium in corner of cabinet Sylvia is present, no other sitters, the red light was on most of the time during the sitting, not a lot of communication came in as white feather announced the energy was being saved more for the weekend yet some things will happen, what appeared on the saved recorded sitting was quiet amazing, faces appeared quiet fast in the cabinet for a short time, then disappeared.the footage will be added to this post shortly for you to see.
Video 20th March 2012 portany circle sitting spirit face appear next to medium in corner of cabinet Part2
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