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20th August 2011 portany circle Physicalmediumship Live Cam Broadcast Sitting

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/08/20th-august-2011-portany-circle.html[/postlink]
Today is a new beginning for the portany circle physicalmediumship Live Camera Broadcast, on line  viewers had there first experience in watching the live sitting and witnessing what was happening in dark conditions with the help of infra red night vision camera, allowing them to see. It has been a very positive sitting even though Norman and darren was the only sitters in the seance room with the medium Chris, Sylvia was looking after the the on line viewers during the broadcast communicating with them. this has now given more positive outlook for the future where more sittings live via cam on line will take place, and where the darkness may have been an obstruction to a degree in sitters seeing in the dark, now those who can allow them self to have the camera in the seance room in safe conditions this is now the new era for a future revolution for physicalmediumship, or any other form of mediumship. those in other locations who can not get to a sitting now can on line with us, and we are grateful for the positive comments given already. we already have the saved sitting on line via tikilive those with the password can now go view it. we will post up soon some snap shots of the sittings, thank you for supporting the portany circle.


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Portany Circle Live

Portany Circle

Portany Circle Live Cam

Portany Circle at Bristol Lodge

Read The Full report from Christine Di nucci of the portany Circle sitting at the Bristol lodge on 10th November 2011, there is also Audio that you can listen to. http://portnay.blogspot.com/

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