endofvid [starttext] Saturday 12th November 2011 is here, and the portany circle sit for physicalmediumship, 2 guest sitters are present Martin and Jane?, the portany circle physicalmedium Chris Howarth and regular sitters are present Norman, Darren and Sylvia...peter is not present.the circle night was not as strong as last weekend and the only reason for this is, Chris has sat during the week at Toms and the bristol lodge which has taken a lot out of him. take a listen below at the sitting which has been saved as an audio of the sitting. the Circle sitters experienced the room going very dark at times, lights of colour appearing in mid air in the dark, a voice was heard at back end of room, and Sylvia experienced cold on her back when she was asked to stand up during the time the song of Michael Jackson playing and she was touched she felt that, Jane? felt her hand tingling just before Louie Armstrong came to her and whilst he was with her, more happens besides to the sitters, enjoy. [endtext]
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