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[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/12/portany-circle-dates-for-return.html[/postlink]

Portany circle sittings return on saturday 14th January 2012 will keep you updated on the sittings, much will be happening in 2012 chris is booked to attend spain for kai muggae seance's and he has been booked to sit in Lillydale USA for april 2012, watch this space for further news, lets see 2012 as a new positive start for the circle and all the people all over the world.If anyone wishes to book the circle for private sittings or chris for private readings, please get in touch, contact details are on the card above.
thank you

Portany Circle


Portany Circle Dates for Return Sittings for New Year

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/12/psychic-news-paper-has-returned.html[/postlink]

Psychic News returns
for those of you who remember the psychic news that got closed, well good news came in my mail box today, it has been announced the psychic news paper launches on the 3rd week of December possibly around 15th December 2011 if you are interested in the return of this paper please click the link for further details. spread the word it is now back, with new owners.
Psychic News

psychic News Paper has returned

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/11/12th-november-2011-portany-circle.html[/postlink]
Saturday 12th November 2011 is here, and the portany circle sit for 
physicalmediumship, 2 guest sitters are present Martin and Jane?, the 
portany circle physicalmedium Chris Howarth and regular sitters are 
present Norman, Darren and Sylvia...peter is not present.the circle 
night was not as strong as last weekend and the only reason for this 
is, Chris has sat during the week at Toms and the bristol lodge which 
has taken a lot out of him. take a listen below at the sitting which has
 been saved as an audio of the sitting. the Circle sitters experienced 
the room going very dark at times, lights of colour appearing in mid air
 in the dark, a voice was heard at back end of room, 
and Sylvia experienced cold on her back when she was asked to stand up 
during the time the song of Michael Jackson playing and she was touched 
she felt that, Jane? felt her hand tingling just 
before Louie Armstrong came to her and whilst he was with her, more 
happens besides to the sitters, enjoy.

12th November 2011 Portany Circle sitting with Guest Sitters

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/11/portany-circle-at-bristol-lodgde.html[/postlink]

Chris Howarth of the Portany Circle joined the Bristol Spirit Lodge Circle for an experimental seance

November 10th 2011

There is more to a Physical seance than might immediately meet the eye.
The seance this evening was of great value to the
Bristol Spirit Lodge Circle for several good reasons.

Those within the lodge set out to support the
development and demonstration of Physical mediumship.
 Therefore it is appropriate to share some of
the finer detail of this evenings experience
that we felt were of great value to us.  First,
a quick resume of the lodge set-up.

The Bristol Spirit Lodge was founded
by Chris Di Nucci as a personal experiment
to ascertain whether mediumship,
and in particular Physical mediumship,
was achievable by virtually anyone.
The base theory being that mediumship is natural
 and that we humans have lost the
ability to attune to vibrations of consciousness
other than our own.  Chris, at the time,
 felt herself to be less spiritual than a brick,
so felt ideally suited to carry forward this experiment.
Since this theory became proven to Chris’s
satisfaction within twelve months, and
within two years phenomena that was
evidential of continuing life was offered forward,
the purpose of the experiment then became to
support like-minded people to make their own discoveries.
The Bristol Spirit Lodge Circle currently
regularly supports the development of four
Physical Mediums and offers seats to guest
sitters whenever developmental stability allow.
The Lodge is not generally open to be used by
Mediums outside of the Circle. However circumstances
 culminated in this experience being effected tonight.
Chris Howarth of the Portany Circle came along
to the lodge, along with his friend Tom Kerr.
Chris took to the cabinet this evening supported
 by Tom Kerr and  regular sitters of the lodge circle.
 Amongst the regular group were Jerry of
'Spirit Chamber' and Richard of 'Spirit Harmony'.
The Lodge is of course necessarily set up to support
the development of Physical mediumship.
There is a cabinet, music player, red lighting,
blackout facilitates and so forth.
The lodge, on the previous evening,
had supported a strong séance with one of the regular
mediums within the Spirit Harmony circle: http://havencircle.blogspot.com/ .
This seance was heavily ectoplasmic based.
It is interesting therefore to note that tonights
seance was successful, although the energy
used differed greatly from the previous evenings. 
Chris Howarth's seance was based upon the 'new' energy.
  It should be noted that the Bristol Spirit Lodge
mediums are predominantly ectoplasmic mediums...
although one or two blend with the 'new'
energy none have yet worked totally with 'new'.
Therefore from Chris Di Nucci's perspective this
evenings seance offered a valuable experience from
which she hoped to learn.  Chris has only sat in one
 'new' energy-based seance previously and that
was many years ago.
And so...we get on to the setting up of this evenings seance.
Chris H is a recognised and widely proclaimed
trance medium and has developed his own routines
and preferences.  Tonight he preferred to use his own
music centre, which has two speakers that were placed
one each side of the cabinet.  Chris H also brought his
own small table which has a few luminous tabs on it,
 a couple of trumpets, a drum and a tambourine.
Aside from this the lodge fixtures were unchanged.
Two digital recorders were used tonight, one
 belonging to Tom and the other to the lodge.  
The evening began at 7pm as sitters arrived
 to gather around the dining table within Chris's house.
This social setting allows energies to gently
blend prior to sitting in the lodge itself. 
The sitters tonight were Christine Di Nucci,
Jerry, Richard, Margaret, Pat and Tom.
Warren and Lucy had been invited to attend
the seance but as the clock reached 8pm
without their arrival we all trouped out the the lodge.
Chris H entered the lodge first, supported by Tom.
Chris H was seated in the cabinet with the curtains
closed when the other sitters entered to quietly
 take their allocated seats. 
As Warren and Lucy weren't present the sitters
 moved around to fill their spaces. Unusually,
 as Richard moved to a chair beside
the one originally allocated, FC (Circle spirit guide through Christine)
 insisted for him to return to his allocated seat.
This chair being diagonally placed to Christine's.
We have yet to discover why this positioning
was considered important....and we may never know!

When all was settled, Christine (seated in her usual
chair with Tom beside her, opened the seance with the
 prayer and blackout was set. Tom took control of the music,
 the volume of which would be adjusted at the spirit teams
request throughout the seance.

As an aside, when the music began Christine became
aware that the position of the speakers caused the
 room to be filled with sound.  This later affected her
ability to make judgement upon the position of the
spirit voices and of other sounds caused by the spirit team
 (i.e. stamping and shuffling feet).  The lodge circles
 own CD player as a single-directional sound quality
(or lack of quality).  Basically sitters recognise that the
 player from which music emanates is positioned to the
left of the cabinet and can better judge the position of
other sounds accordingly.  This is a small issue, and
 had little affect upon tonights presentations in fact.

Note that the communication is trance based and
therefore in some instances the medium's accent
affects true voice presentation.  This is not at all unusual.
White Feather comes through to open the communication:

Smithy comes forward for a chat before the familiar
personality of Quentin Crisp becomes presented:

Christine noted the breathy quality heard as the
spirit communicators enter and leave the vessel
and wondered if this might be typical of other energy circles.
Rather like the heavier rasping energy of
ectoplasm during direct voice.
This is something she will consider as a possibility...

Louis Armstrong introduces himself and
an experiment takes place that is witnesses by Jerry and Christine:

By now Christine was well aware of the coldness
of the energy being used by the spirit team to effect the phenomena becoming presented.  Within the ectoplasmic seances she
has experienced both heat and chill.

Tom Pepper comes forward for a chat:

Yellow Feather introduces himself (with the mediums accent)
 and apologises for Warren's absence:

Walter socialises with sitters:

Ted comes through.  Ted is a much loved spirit
visitor and key team worker that visits the lodge through Richard's mediumship:

Sitters watch as transfiguration phenomena becomes demonstrated.
The black patches of energy seen to move
 across the mediums face were true presentations of Physical phenomena.

Christine was interested in the manner in which
 the display of transfiguration phenomena was becoming effected.
 The energy mass was dark, if not black.
 It formed in 'puddles' over the mediums face,
forming deep areas of shadow.  Ectoplasmic transfiguration
seems to smooth over the face, forming a mask.
  She has also seen faces morph within an energy fizz,
 that seems to reflect and create light.   Clearly
 many types of energy are becoming developed...
the detail of the subject being of interest to her
she was pleased to have been given this
opportunity to gain further experience.

When Margaret mentioned that one transfigured
face seemed familiar to her the spirit team indicated
for her to approach the cabinet.  The spirit team then
effected a scent within the medium's palms.
The scent was of herbs.  The face that Margaret
had felt she might recognise was of a gentleman in
spirit who had been keen on herbs.

As the transfiguration demonstration continued
Tom was drawn to the cabinet by the appearance
of his wife.  A short but joyous reunion was then shared.
 Private recording made.

At the spirit teams request 'One Vision' by
Queen was then played and a representation of Freddie
 Mercury was effected as the medium stood up to present a
 similar the appearance of the famous star.

Spirit share a fond farewell as the seance draws to an end:

A thoroughly enjoyable evening with lots of smiles being shared.

Thank you Chris Howarth, his spirit team and all the
sitters present for sharing their energy within the Lodge tonight.

Christine Di Nucci

Portany Circle at Bristol Lodgde

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/11/spirit-orbs-appear-before-and-after.html[/postlink]
Spirit orbs before & after Sitting

The photos you are about to look at, was taken at tom's seance room and at a special transfiguration sitting at a church


Spirit Orbs Appear Before and After each sitting

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/10/coronation-of-physical-medium.html[/postlink]                                    
                                         CORONATION OF A PHYSICAL MEDIUM

There’s a new kid on the block in the world of physical mediumship, and his name is Chris Howarth. Remember that name, for those who follow and are keenly interested in the highest and most evidential form of afterlife communication, will surely be hearing his name mentioned with increasing frequency in the years to come.

I first had the pleasure of meeting Chris, a dynamic powerhouse of stored psychic energy, at the enchanting and most rapturous setting in the south of France known as Montcabirol. No place glows warmer. The seductive charm of this serene locale has a way of working itself into the soul and psyche of those who visit. Beauty, peace and tranquility are the hallmarks of Montcabirol, thus making it a most conducive venue for the creation of an atmosphere and vibration that is most compatible for achieving the rarest, highest and most evidential form of afterlife communication known today: physical mediumship.

I met Chris for the first time on September 16, 2011 upon his arrival from England. I found him to be most congenial, possessing an avid, almost overwhelming zeal and exuberance for anything pertaining to spirit communication, unparalleled in the physical mediumship community. I found his vast knowledge of mediumship to be quite impressive to say the least, and his overwhelming desire to share this knowledge with anyone who will listen clearly demonstrated to me that this person has what it takes to achieve success in the lengthy and arduous process of developing this rarest and most important of all gifts. He is focused, extremely dedicated, and his intentions are pure, benevolent, and altruistic – all the makings of what is required to be a true servant of humanity and the invisible, etheric world also known as the ‘afterlife’.

On September 19th, after three brilliant and astounding demonstrations of materialization and direct voice mediumship over a three day period by Tom Morris and Warren Caylor, Kevin, the leader of the Yellow Cloud Circle decided that he would try an experiment and put Chris in the traditional mediumship cabinet in an attempt to see if Chris’s mediumship development could be enhanced or facilitated. Approximately fourteen people were present to witness what happened next.

Almost immediately after extinguishing the lights, loud footsteps could be heard negotiating the hard wood floor at several areas around the room. My neighbor and I could hear footsteps walking or dancing within the immediate vicinity of our chairs, both in front and in back of us. It was so obvious because it was quite loud. This could be considered objective evidence because everyone in the room heard the footsteps at different positions around the room. These footsteps continued and persisted throughout most of the sitting.

After several songs were played, the first of five voices was heard emerging from the cabinet. The first communicator identified himself as White Feather. It is well known that John Sloan, the main guide and control for the Yellow Cloud Circle is a close friend of White Feather. After identifying himself, he greeted us and expressed how happy he was to be able to communicate with us through his fledgling new medium.  Approximately twenty minutes later, another voice emerged and identified himself as Elija. Kevin asked him what century he lived on the earth plane and he responded that he had crossed over in the 1870’s. A few minutes later, the inimitable voice of Quentin Crisp came through. He greeted us and spoke briefly with Tom and Kevin. Shortly after that, a personality came through and stated that his name was Tom Pepper and that he was from Yorkshire.
I was later told that he did indeed speak with what is known as a classical ‘Yorkshirian’ accent. Finally, another voice emerged and identified himself as Smythe. He told us that he was seven years old tonight and later stated: “I like to be seven years old”. As the sitting was about to come to a close, White Feather came through again stated that he was “pleased to be able to produce this surprise for our medium”. Surprisingly, as the sitting was about to close, the voice of John Sloan could be heard at the other side of the room, bidding us a good night. Apparently, Tom was put into trance for a very brief moment, allowing John to come through with his closing statement.

Prior to this sitting, I was unaware that Chris had been sitting some fifteen years in development of his gift. I had no knowledge of this and thus went into this sitting with no expectations whatsoever. What a pleasant surprise and delight it was to be present to witness his breakthrough and initiation into this very exclusive group of extremely gifted and dedicated individuals known as ‘physical mediums’. This was indeed a coronation by White Feather and the spirit world and all who were present were thrilled for Chris as he, through his sincerity, hard work, and dedication, was most deserving of this highest of all honors. I think I speak for everyone who knows Chris, that we all wish him great success in his journey and in his future of service to humanity, and we support him completely in this great and noble endeavor.

MR X              



[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/09/portany-circle-sitting-for.html[/postlink]

Saturday 24th September 2011, the Portany Circle sits for physicalmediumship, present is Chris the medium, and sitters Norman, Darren, Peter and Sylvia...... Darren,Norman & Sylvia have been recovering from  illness. the seating arrangements been changed, 4 chairs have been removed out the room, a board been placed on the flor not too close to the cabinet, and the three legged table been placed near the stereo. Norman and Darren are sat at far end of room, peter and Sylvia facing each other in there chairs not far from Norman and Darren. The music plays after peter says the opening prayer. sitters are sat quiet during the first 2 songs that play, then communication from sitters begin before white feather speaks, a thick mist builds in the room, it appears from the cabinet and extends to the back of the room, it changes direction and shape and blocks off the sitters at the back, Norman experienced and Darren to a feeling of being an outsider looking in, yet felt the sitting changed. Norman felt this strongest as though he was cut off by everything. after a while the mist changed direction again, Darren and peter at different times seen lights appear around Sylvia then go, white feather speaks briefly then the Indian music plays, during the time the music plays there is seen on the floor by Sylvia and Darren a very low moving energy not far from stereo half the size of the stereo, seen on the board in front of curtain, the mist extends again around the board then the room goes blacker, as the music plays Darren see's a twinkle of light glowing then fading, during this time Sylvia see's the stereo system lights go off and something moving in front of it. there was not a lot of communication from spirit or guides yet it was said the medium needs something to completely shut him down as his awareness is not going in to deep trance state. as the sitting progresses, and the Freddie mercury song was playing, a mist builds next to Sylvia, she felt and seen a presence forming very tall it was there for over 1 minute then it changed formation moved in to the circle to the board, the mist built then changed room goes blacker. peter got touched at front and back of head from the forehead area, Darren to got touched not long after peter did. it been said by the spirit a communicator who never gave his name that they building Chris from the ground up, to make him see that on this night this is an adjustment needed as though back to basics, until the full blast of the physical returns again, he will be well on his way to full physical in it's truest form, and stronger than what he had at France.
it has been a mixed sitting, all sitters felt something different a change, once the sitters are back again in 2 weeks time from now, there could be a surprise awaiting the circle, we shall wait and see.

Portany Circle Sitting for Physicalmediumship 24th September 2011

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/09/3rd-september-2011-portany-circle.html[/postlink] This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

3rd September 2011 Portany Circle sitting Physicalmediumship

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/08/27th-august-2011-physicalmediumship-in.html[/postlink]
It is the weekend portany circle night to sit, the tikilive was down due to the hurricane in the USA, so we broadcast at blog TV. 2 new guest sitters have now joined the circle, it has been a very interesting sitting, online viewers watched the live sitting, sitters experienced different things going on in the sitting, orbs, energy changes, smells, take a look at the saved recording of the sitting to see what the circle experienced.

Poartany Circle Part 1 watch the rest at BlogTV

Portany Circle part 1- Broadcast your self LIVE

27th August 2011 Physicalmediumship in The Dark Portany Circle

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/08/20th-august-2011-portany-circle.html[/postlink]
Today is a new beginning for the portany circle physicalmediumship Live Camera Broadcast, on line  viewers had there first experience in watching the live sitting and witnessing what was happening in dark conditions with the help of infra red night vision camera, allowing them to see. It has been a very positive sitting even though Norman and darren was the only sitters in the seance room with the medium Chris, Sylvia was looking after the the on line viewers during the broadcast communicating with them. this has now given more positive outlook for the future where more sittings live via cam on line will take place, and where the darkness may have been an obstruction to a degree in sitters seeing in the dark, now those who can allow them self to have the camera in the seance room in safe conditions this is now the new era for a future revolution for physicalmediumship, or any other form of mediumship. those in other locations who can not get to a sitting now can on line with us, and we are grateful for the positive comments given already. we already have the saved sitting on line via tikilive those with the password can now go view it. we will post up soon some snap shots of the sittings, thank you for supporting the portany circle.

20th August 2011 portany circle Physicalmediumship Live Cam Broadcast Sitting

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/08/portany-circle-live-camera-broadcast.html[/postlink]

Hello friends
the portany circle felt it would be nice to share the sittings with you via live broadcast, even though we sit in dark conditions we now have the means to broadcast with special camera's and for those who would love to be part of the sitting's on saturday evening from about 7:30 pm or 8 pm start time, you now have the chance. The link to the site is here Portany Circle Live Cam Broadcast on Saturday evening's Link
You will need to request from Chris howarth the password, send him an email or call him those who already know him. watch the blog page every week for updates on what has happened in each sitting and posts with more pictures and lots more.


Portany Circle Live Camera Broadcast Sittings on saturday's

[postlink] https://portanycircle.blogspot.com/2011/07/23rd-july-2011-portany-circle.html[/postlink]

It has been a positive sitting for the portany circle, light phenomena occurances during the sitting, Orbs appearing around the room and from darren the sitters arm, phenomena to in Darrens hand 3 fingers of louie armstrong appearing in palm of darrens hand plus darrens hand goes blacker during sitting, Spirit presence has been felt through out the sitting, The medium chris also has plenty phenomena and transfiguration appearing around and on him, trance communication also has been in operation, James Dean spoke, White feather, Smithy, Tom,winsten churchill, take a look at the video clip below of the sitting where louie is asking darren would he like to shake hands with him

Pictures will be added soon

Portany Circle Video Clip

Still shot images off video recording:

Below are some images of the medium sat in the cabinet and sitters around him, during the full seance light phenomena occurs, the room is in total pitch black, there is no lights on in the room only red light when chris does transfiguration, all other times theres no light, The camera which films the sittings is an infra red night vision camera and is based on a mount secured to the wall. There are people who may not want to believe this phenomena is occuring, yet it is occuring. there are no hidden torches or devices, no effects or camera trickery. For those who have doubts about the mediumship of chris, the only way to rid doubt is to see him sit face to face. Darren was sat in the pitch black at the time loie armstrong was asking him would he like to shake hands, no lights were on at the time, darren felt louie, we had another sitter witness this phenomena to who traveled from netherlands he experienced the same thing.Nothing could or was reflecting in the dark to cause shadows on darrens hand. Take a look below at the phenomena of light.


23rd July 2011 Portany Circle Physicalmediumship sitting

Portany Circle Live

Portany Circle

Portany Circle Live Cam

Portany Circle at Bristol Lodge

Read The Full report from Christine Di nucci of the portany Circle sitting at the Bristol lodge on 10th November 2011, there is also Audio that you can listen to. http://portnay.blogspot.com/

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